Research Fellow
PhD, Architecture and Sustainable Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design
✉ yohei_kato@sutd.edu.sg
Yohei Kato is a Research Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities. He is trained in the fields of community development and urban studies. His doctoral research examines the factors that facilitate or hinder engagement and empowerment of stakeholders involved in placekeeping projects in Japan. Using a sequential mixed-methods approach, his study provides theoretical and practical implications for designing and managing inclusive built environments. He explores research areas such as empowerment, mixed-methods research, social network analysis, and the relationships between built and natural environments, well-being, and children and young people’s participation. Prior to his academic career, he worked on monitoring and evaluating development projects in India and led community design and youth participatory action research projects in Bangladesh, Japan, and the US.
He supports Belinda and team on the “An Integrated Socio-Temporal Study of Outdoor Recreation Spaces in Singapore” project.
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