Adjunct Lecturer
Bachelor (Hons), Computer Science , National University of Singapore
✉ chiloong@vslashr.com
Chi-Loong suffers from an incurable disease called curse of the curious hybrid. He has a degree in Computer Science, but somehow wandered into journalism, marketing and public relations. Past lives include mainstream and trade media, in-house and agency PR, energy and social media start-ups. He has worked for companies like Straits Times, British Telecoms and GolinHarris.
The corporate world is not really suited for hybrids so he decided to forge out and run his own studio V/R (www.vslashr.com), a niche agency that blends art + science to tell stories through technology: Data visualizations and interactive explorables.
Clients include GLCs like Temasek, PSA and A*Star; MNCs like BASF and Fortinet; and SMBs and start-ups like Stalford and Mogul.
Chi-Loong also helps run two meet-ups in Singapore on data visualization (Data Viz SG and Hacks/Hackers SG) and his passion project is Visualizing Singapore (viz.sg), a community ground-up site on data visualization in Singapore.
He teaches data visualization as an adjunct lecturer at both SUTD and SIT.
SUTD curriculum:
Social Contact